Tuesday, December 9, 2008
One Month Older
Last week was not a good week for the Mauro household. We all got a nasty stomach bug! It breaks your heart watching your 9 month old vomit. It has to be one of the saddest things I have ever seen. We managed to make it to Portrait Innovations on Friday to have her Christmas pictures done. I always seem to forget I can set up how I want some of the pictures done. I just seem to go along with the photographers at PI like I have no say. But they are fast and cheaper than going to a very nice studio, and with Christmas around the corner, I had to get my cards done! Here are a few pictures of Riley from PI (not to be confused with Pawley's Island!).
Monday, November 10, 2008
Halloween and Random stuff
Riley celebrated her 9 month birthday by watching Clemson lose to Florida State. You would never know she was upset. She played all night! She has the cutest Clemson/Carolina outfit that my lil sis Nancy gave her. Even the guys thought she was cute! I love her new Clemson bow. I am addicted to http://www.mybowdaciousdesigns.com/. You can custom make the bow you want or Rachel (owner) will create a style for you. Oh, back to the game....we have also realized Riley loves to flirt, especially with older guys. We're in trouble!
We had a fun time at G.G.'s last night. Riley got to meet her Great Aunt Darlene, whom PJ affectionately refers to as Aunt Din-Dean. I guess Darlene is hard to say when your a kid. She had the best time! She especially loved the hat Aunt Din-Dean got her!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Pumpkin Fun!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Fun Times
I am not doing a great job with keeping up with my blog. Could it possibly be because I have a facebook account and 3 e-mail accounts to manage, oh AND a child. Probably! I am still training for the half marathon. October 25th is just around the corner, and I can't wait! I have come to realize, I am not the best trainee. As in, training myself. It was all I could do to muster the strength to run 9 miles last night. This business of not losing weight when training is NOT for me. I have been training for 8 weeks, and have lost a total of 4 pounds people!!! I know, I know, muscle weighs more than fat, yada, yada, yada. I think I will stick to smaller runs, like 5k's and 10k's. More power to those of you who like to go the distance. I have come to accept that I like to run short distances.
Riley's cousin Hannah, Aunt Amy, and Uncle Scott came for a visit over the weekend. It was so fun to see the girls play with one another. It's so hard to believe my baby girl is 8 months. I see changes in her every single day. I am so blessed. We ventured downtown Greenville for the St. Francis Fall for Greenville Festival. It was great! Lots of people out and about, and some really good bands. Of course we had brunch, again, at the Blue Ridge Brewing Company. I feel like I only go for the mimosas! Oh, and the grits! What's wrong with that??
I start my 8 day work week in the ER. I am really nervous about it. I don't know why I am psyching myself out about it. I just have to remember, I can only do what I can do. If I don't know something, call someone!
Here are the latest pictures of Riley. I must say the Tiger picture is my favorite, even though the Clemson Tiger football team needs therapy.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Ready for Fall
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Latest...
Riley is getting another tooth. There is something new everyday. Her Nana has been watching her while I have been on the dreaded 2nd shift schedule. So, better go. Time to get ready for work! Only 3 more days of this!
Friday, September 12, 2008
So Big!
Such a cute fanny!
She loves to take baths now!
Go Tigers! These are the overalls Lee gave Riley. So cute!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Girl's Day!
I have been keeping up with my 1/2 marathon training. My longest day has been 5 miles thus far. Last night I did 4 (per the training schedule), and I ran 2 of those miles at once. I was amazed. My legs are paying for it today! Here are a few updated pics of Riley with her cousin Bess. Food update - we are battling pears now, which I think she likes more than peaches. She also got to watch her first Clemson game this past weekend. Sorry it was a loss, but nonetheless, she looked cute in her outfit! Now, if only we could get a bow to stay pinned to her hair :)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Apples and Beer
Half-marathon is in 9 more weeks. I am up to 4 miles...running and walking. More like walking. I just want to cross the finish line!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
What am I thinking??
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Peas and a New Car
Monday, August 4, 2008
Friends & Carrots!
And in 2008.....my, my, my what a year and 1 baby can do to your body!!!
Riley tried her first vegetable. Carrots! She loved them. She didn't get too messy, but there was the occasional spitting of carrots. I just hope she is not a picky eater!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Daddy's Girl
Sunday, July 27, 2008
"Chronicles of Riley - Part 2"
14 weeks - Riley is loving her new exersaucer. She is so small! We had to actually roll a blanket and place it behind her back to keep her up. Now she's jumping and pulling on everything!
16 weeks - I just love this picture of her. Her cheeks are so rosy!
Riley with her Godfather, Max.
She's ready for a swim in the bathing suit her Aunt Brook got her. It's so cute, I want one for myself!
21 weeks - Riley's first 4th of July. She looks patriotic in her red, white, and blue. Next year, there will be fireworks!23 weeks - Her first pool play date wit Kyle. They are not happy! The story goes like this - RIley splashed Kyle, he started crying, then she started crying. It was all over after that! It was the shortest play date in history!
My favorite picture of Riley to date. She is a Clemson girl, despite what her father thinks!
24 weeks - Here is Riley attempting to eat rice cereal for the first time. As you can tell she didn't know what to think of it at first! After a few more bites, she was ready for more.25 weeks - Riley is sporting her first pair of sunglasses. My theory on this is - if they are important for adults to wear, why not kids?? We got these from http://www.babybanz.com/. Check it out!
This is Riley to date. Look for more to come. She is doing something different everyday. Today she rolled from her back to her stomach and then back to her back. She just kept on rolling until she got too close to the fireplace. Then I intervened! Still no teeth! That has been hard. Baby Orajel and teething tablets have been doing the trick. Anyway, stay tuned for more!