Today I elected to keep Riley home with me on my day off. She had a very rough couple of hours early last night. I keep hoping a tooth is going to pop through that bottom gum, but she is still the toothless one. Her cries were more like screams, and nothing I did (i.e. Mylicon, teething tablets, Baby Orajel, Tylenol) would soothe her. She eventually fell asleep after crying for probably 2 hours. Poor baby! Today we have had a fun girl's day. We went to see her daddy at school. She met a lot of teachers and students. How awkward to walk back into high school again? You could just feel all the eyes staring at you. Glad I am not in high school anymore!
I have been keeping up with my 1/2 marathon training. My longest day has been 5 miles thus far. Last night I did 4 (per the training schedule), and I ran 2 of those miles at once. I was amazed. My legs are paying for it today! Here are a few updated pics of Riley with her cousin Bess. Food update - we are battling pears now, which I think she likes more than peaches. She also got to watch her first Clemson game this past weekend. Sorry it was a loss, but nonetheless, she looked cute in her outfit! Now, if only we could get a bow to stay pinned to her hair :)
Animal Kingdom Lodge
11 years ago