Riley is trying desperately to crawl. PJ does a good job of putting her pacifier a few feet away from her to make her crawl for it. Alas, she still can't seem to figure out how to move her little legs. She does do a really good job of rolling and as PJ says, breast stroke, her way to what she is trying to get to. It's so cute to watch.
The Spinx RunFest was yesterday. I completed 13.1 miles in 2 hrs and 42 mins. The funny thing was the marathon winner passed my friends and I as we were entering the Drive baseball stadium to finish. So, he technically beat us by 13.1 miles and 2 minutes! It was very grueling for me. I am glad I didn't, but I cannot say with confidence I would ever do it again or even attempt a marathon. As I crossed the finish line I thought about all those folks running the marathon! I was ready to stop. My ankles and thighs are paying for it today, but I did it, and that is all that matters!