Monday, September 29, 2008

Ready for Fall

The end of week 6 in training for the half marathon was hard. It took all I had to run the 10 miler I had yesterday. It was a lot harder than last Sunday, probably because I worked beforehand. I am just tired!! It took 2 hrs 9 min, which was 6 min better than last week. This Sunday will be doubly hard because I will be at the beach with my girlfriends for a much needed vacation! I was sad to get home after Riley had already gone to bed. I had not seen her all day.....BUT she did start to cry, and cry, and CRY. She cried for an hour. Poor tummy! We finally had her laughing at 9:00! 1 1/2 hrs after her bedtime. It always make me feel so helpless when I can't calm her down immediately. Anyway, I am off tomorrow. Riley will be heading to daycare as I head to the Gaffney outlets. Ah! I can't wait :)
Here are some updated pics of the little girl. Daddy just had to put her in gamecock apparel. I was not home! Her Uncle Jeff came to see her, and she is wearing the top of her pumpkin costume for Halloween.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Latest...

Running 10 miles is hard!! I ran 10 miles last night with two of my friends from work, who actually got me into this mess! It took us 2 hrs 15 minutes. 2 hrs of that we ran. I am pretty proud of myself. I did not think this was something I could do. Needless to say, I am in some pain today. I was only able to do 3 out of 4 this morning. So tired!

Riley is getting another tooth. There is something new everyday. Her Nana has been watching her while I have been on the dreaded 2nd shift schedule. So, better go. Time to get ready for work! Only 3 more days of this!

Friday, September 12, 2008

So Big!

Riley turned 7 months this week. It's so hard to believe how big she has gotten. She has a tooth coming in finally! You can't see it yet, but you can feel the ridges starting to poke through. She has also learned how to shake her head no. I am sure she doesn't know what it means, yet, but she will certainly get used to it as she gets older. Lord help us! She went to her first football game last week. To my surprise, she handled the noise very well. We ended up leaving at half time which was around 9pm. That was a late night for her since she usually goes to bed around 7:30. She also got to see her cousin Hannah last weekend at G.G.'s house. I missed it because I had to work (what's new??). It's so hard to believe Hannah is 9 months! Time sure has flown by.

Running update - I am now running more than half of my miles. Saturday is 8! My proudest day was this past Wednesday I ran 5 miles. It took me 70 minutes, and I ran 50 of those. I am determined to cross the finish line!

Here are a few pics of Riley over the past couple of weeks.

Such a cute fanny!

She loves to take baths now!

Go Generals!

Hannah and Riley at G.G.'s house.
Hannah and Riley
Riley with her moo moo shoes from Malachi.

Go Tigers! These are the overalls Lee gave Riley. So cute!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Girl's Day!

Today I elected to keep Riley home with me on my day off. She had a very rough couple of hours early last night. I keep hoping a tooth is going to pop through that bottom gum, but she is still the toothless one. Her cries were more like screams, and nothing I did (i.e. Mylicon, teething tablets, Baby Orajel, Tylenol) would soothe her. She eventually fell asleep after crying for probably 2 hours. Poor baby! Today we have had a fun girl's day. We went to see her daddy at school. She met a lot of teachers and students. How awkward to walk back into high school again? You could just feel all the eyes staring at you. Glad I am not in high school anymore!

I have been keeping up with my 1/2 marathon training. My longest day has been 5 miles thus far. Last night I did 4 (per the training schedule), and I ran 2 of those miles at once. I was amazed. My legs are paying for it today! Here are a few updated pics of Riley with her cousin Bess. Food update - we are battling pears now, which I think she likes more than peaches. She also got to watch her first Clemson game this past weekend. Sorry it was a loss, but nonetheless, she looked cute in her outfit! Now, if only we could get a bow to stay pinned to her hair :)