Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Fun!

Riley made her first trip to the pumpkin patch today! She loved seeing all of the pumpkins. I was more excited about dressing her up and putting that big bow in her hair!
Riley is trying desperately to crawl. PJ does a good job of putting her pacifier a few feet away from her to make her crawl for it. Alas, she still can't seem to figure out how to move her little legs. She does do a really good job of rolling and as PJ says, breast stroke, her way to what she is trying to get to. It's so cute to watch.
The Spinx RunFest was yesterday. I completed 13.1 miles in 2 hrs and 42 mins. The funny thing was the marathon winner passed my friends and I as we were entering the Drive baseball stadium to finish. So, he technically beat us by 13.1 miles and 2 minutes! It was very grueling for me. I am glad I didn't, but I cannot say with confidence I would ever do it again or even attempt a marathon. As I crossed the finish line I thought about all those folks running the marathon! I was ready to stop. My ankles and thighs are paying for it today, but I did it, and that is all that matters!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Fun Times

Last weekend was "Girls Weekend". So much fun! It was great getting away, no husband, no baby, no dogs, really no responsibility except to have fun. And boy, did we! The last time we had a girls weekend was in 2005, so this vacation was much needed by all of us. It's always fun to meet up and reminisce about things from those good old high school days! Here is our updated 2008 picture.

I am not doing a great job with keeping up with my blog. Could it possibly be because I have a facebook account and 3 e-mail accounts to manage, oh AND a child. Probably! I am still training for the half marathon. October 25th is just around the corner, and I can't wait! I have come to realize, I am not the best trainee. As in, training myself. It was all I could do to muster the strength to run 9 miles last night. This business of not losing weight when training is NOT for me. I have been training for 8 weeks, and have lost a total of 4 pounds people!!! I know, I know, muscle weighs more than fat, yada, yada, yada. I think I will stick to smaller runs, like 5k's and 10k's. More power to those of you who like to go the distance. I have come to accept that I like to run short distances.

Riley's cousin Hannah, Aunt Amy, and Uncle Scott came for a visit over the weekend. It was so fun to see the girls play with one another. It's so hard to believe my baby girl is 8 months. I see changes in her every single day. I am so blessed. We ventured downtown Greenville for the St. Francis Fall for Greenville Festival. It was great! Lots of people out and about, and some really good bands. Of course we had brunch, again, at the Blue Ridge Brewing Company. I feel like I only go for the mimosas! Oh, and the grits! What's wrong with that??

I start my 8 day work week in the ER. I am really nervous about it. I don't know why I am psyching myself out about it. I just have to remember, I can only do what I can do. If I don't know something, call someone!

Here are the latest pictures of Riley. I must say the Tiger picture is my favorite, even though the Clemson Tiger football team needs therapy.
